When entering your account info, make sure that you use your full email address, including Also, ensure that SSL encryption is enabled for both incoming and outgoing mail. SMTP Username: your entire AOL email address (including the Password: your AOL mail password 2. You can always jump back here when you’re done. Note: If you want to know what SMTP, POP, and IMAP are, feel free to skip ahead to the FAQ section. Here are the SMTP and POP/IMAP server settings for AOL Mail: SMTP and POP/IMAP Server Settings for AOL Mail Server
I’ll include the SMTP, POP, and IMAP settings for an AOL email address and how you can set them up for your AOL email program. This article includes all the details you need to do this easily. Unfortunately, if you haven’t done this before, this can seem complicated. If you want to send and receive AOL mail from another email program, you’ll first need to set up your AOL server settings.